Monday, August 18, 2008

Big Day Monday (revisited)

Monday, 18 August 2008, was indeed a BIG day: Kyle started Kindergarten and I started chemotherapy. Overall, the day went pretty good. We had a small rough patch getting Kyle off to school, but chemo went much better than I expected.

The day started off badly. While getting Kyle ready for school, we couldn't find his medi-alert bracelet. (Kyle has asthma and he wears a bracelet that lists his condition, his medications, his doctor's name, and his doctor's phone number.) Normally the bracelet sits on a shelf in his room when he isn't wearing it. Alas, it wasn't there this morning. After searching the house thoroughly, we said we would fine it later and headed off to school:

When we picked Kyle up at after-school day-care we learned several things:

1. Kyle likes school
2. Kyle made "lots" of friends
3. Kyle already has homework (read a story every night)
4. Kyle's medi-alert bracelet got left at day-care last Friday
5. There is no school tomorrow, 19 August 2008, because of Tropical Storm Fay

Chemotherapy was probably not as much fun as kindergarten, but it was better than expected. After a quick check with my oncologist, Dr. G, I went to the "treatment room" where I sat in a comfy recliner, got a nice warm blanket, drank a soda, and had toxic drugs dripped into my veins for over two hours. They then hooked me up with a pump (literally), and sent me home.

The good news is the side effects of the chemo are pretty minimal so far: "pins and needles" when I drink cold liquids and a little diarrhea. No bazooka vomiting, no loss of appetite, and no hair loss (that I can see anyway). Additionally, I got a fancy manbag for my pump:

Of course, this is all I know about manbags:

So maybe chemo wasn't so great afterall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What happened to the term "Urban shoulder bag"?
